5 point harness in a car w/o roll cage...How to do it?

OldVart said
A few years ago I was driving my 66 Valiant, with the original lap belt buckled up, and a female RCMP officer was approaching me in the opposite direction in a marked patrol car. We were going through a small town with a posted speed limit of 35 MPH and as she got close she made a sign about my shoulder type belt. Without giving it a thought, I smiled at her and used my index finger to point down to my lap ...belt. :sign9: WELL, before you could say "blow me" she had that bubble gum machine stuck to my back bumper, and was at my window with a very ANGRY look on her face. :scratch: It took me a while to explain to her that I had indeed been pointing to let her know that I was in fact wearing my factory installed seat belt, and that was all that was required by law. :angel7: Needless to say, since then I've never pointed to my lap when an officer gives me the "Put your seat belt on" signal. :glasses7:

HAHAHAHAHAHA that is awesome.