Roller Lifters vs. Schubeck style lifters

The cam you have is what many Mopar guys call "a Chevy grind" meaning that it was designed to be used with .842" diameter lifters that Chevys use. A Mopar-specific grind will net you more area under the curve since it takes advantage of the larger .904" diameter lifter. That means more usable torque and power.

If you're going to tear into it, why not get the most power you can? I'd go hydraulic roller if I were you.

Good point Lee. I do believe it is an older cam profile like you say. The guy I was talking to about the Schubecks said it was a Chevy grind as well. I've not seen too many people running this cam although it sounds great.

I've been wrestling with tearing into the motor because I just want to drive the damn thing after all the time I've put into it.

Ultimatley I would be happier with a mopar specific cam profile like you say.

Glad I asked for opinions since I've been on the fence and pulling the $1600+ trigger.

Now if someone would report back on those retro roller lifters from hughes so I can get a little more info to make my decision.