i needa cam expert

Yes, you need a cam expert. You've not found one yet. I suggest you call someons at Hughes. Dave is a real nice guy. Comp's techs are real knowledgeable too.

I agree with this statement 100%. Though, know this, when you talk to Huges and then talk with Comp cams, you'll get 2 different cams. Call a 2 weeks later, you'll get 2 more different cams.

so are you saying that i should stay away from a split duration cam?
No, what I said was what I said and suggested nothing more than know what you have before you make a choice.

i guess as far as the ported heads i should get them flowed before choosing a cam, it's strange i talked with both hughes and lunati and they never even asked if i was porting or not.

Normaly, when speaking to a cam company on cams and what would be a good choice for you/your engine/target goal, the full disclosesure of the engine build should be given and heard and thought about.

If you never told them, then there choices are based on stock Edelbrock heads and what ever you told them there after.