Help! I bit off more than I can chew! Body work
This area has more than one curve. I use paintsticks in this area with 180 after a good coat of Evercoat metalglaze. Apply all 8 fingertips across the stick and apply just enough pressure to flatten the stick across the surface. You can sand the primer with 180 and apply directly to it!! When glaze has tacked for 15-20 minutes sand with the paintstick wrapped in 180 in an X pattern until you achieve desired feel. This requires "Eyes in hands" to assure it smooth. I also use spraycan acrysol and spray the area to "see" the repair. This is a good technique for the novice bodyman! If you are not using the chrome trim, may as well grind the retainer off and apply a little glaze there too.
I did notice in the photo that the top part of the factory seam still looks "high". You may want to take a shrinking hammer or a dull centerpunch and a small hammer and lightly tap around that area until it feels even/lower. When you sand this area and the metal peeks back through stop sanding and start tapping/shrinking this area again. Bodywork can be a pain in the a$$ at times. Just be patient and take your time. You can DO IT!!