How to remove pit stains from your shirts?

Removing those stains can be hard! Have u tried putting detergent on them before you put them in the washer? A long time ago I noticed that my shirts would get stained but it was actually the deodorant causing it!

I took a closer look and saw all the shiny microscopic aluminum pieces and deodorant residue left on the shirt even after washing several times. This was from the anti-persperant deodorant. There are also sayings about how some of those ingredients aren't good for you.

I haven't used anti-persperant type deodorant for a long time and my shirts don't get that residue all over them anymore that is hard to wash off! I use the Arm&Hammer Essentials Fresh one. (The unscented one isn't that good). Some stores don't carry it so you might have to look around.

It might take a little bit getting used to a deodorant without anti-persperant but is a lot better once you do!