Trying to get '70 Swinger to GA from MD.

In a couple a weeks I am going to need help getting a '70 Swinger home to me in Georgia from Maryland. It is a running driving car.

I have no clue how to work this out yet. I tried the guy running the FABO transportation network but he never replies.

So... Anybody can offer me any suggestions or assistance?
I would go get it myself but my Dr's. tell me that is not a good idea right now.
I will be starting my Chemo and Radiation treatments and possibly major surgery in the next month.

I really want to have this car home before all that crap starts.
I am pretty broke but give me a quote and I will let you know if I can afford it.

The car is at 21045 in Maryland and I am at 31030 in Georgia.

Let me know.
Bruce B.