For those that don't know Ken Block...

I would imagine that most creative people with a practically unlimited budget could build a number of specialty vehicles to destroy and get pretty good at flogging them. Rich people ragging out their toys does not impress me. It makes me jealous but not impressed. I would be more impressed if his budget was 5 grand instead of half a mil to a mil.

I have to jump in here, "Rich people ragging out their toys" How true, there is no way in the world someone could do something like that with out lots of money. HOWEVER, Dude if you can't see that this gentleman has such a talent and skill to be able to do and control a vehicle like he does. You have to at least be able to see that don't you???

Sure I'm jealous, I guess I should have done better in life so that I had like a hundred thousand dollars to build a specialty vehicles like shown here, but I'm in awe of his driving ability and know there is no way I would be able to make a vehicle perform like he does!

Just enjoy it for his skills!!!