E-bay is worthless

440WIP said
I had a really scary incident happen about 2-3 weeks ago. I had bought a supercharger from a fellow in Michigan (I think) about 2 months ago. Well, 2-3 weeks ago the identical ad pops back up on eBay under a new sellers name (1st time on eBay). The guy I bought from phones me ands asks WTF, and I tell him the blower is sitting in my garage and it's not going anywhere. So we both sent multiple emails to eBay telling them that the sale is a fraud - and eBay didn't do a damn thing - nothing!!!!!! Some poor fool sent his money off into electronic oblivion never to be seen again. My lesson learned - I do not buy from anybody unless thay have a visible track record - nobody.

You want to see scary, see how many BIN (buy-it-now) ads there are on ebay for HEMI Mopars. You can pick one up for about $6000 usually. I got curious once and e-mailed the seller to become pre-approved and he sent me an email back saying that he had just moved to Serbia to take care of his sick mother and left his HEMI car in Florida and needs to sell it right away, of course, outside of ebay and with a money transfer to an offshore account. :toothy7: