Rumble I think you hit it right on the head. The OP just wants to know which motor and what cylinder head to use. He is on a budget and wants the most bang for the buck, not looking to set low ET for the biggest motor in the world. I happen to have access to a Superflow flow bench and I was disappointed to see 220cfm at 600 lift for the Edelbrock. My home ported Js flow 270cfm on the same bench, unfortunately for me I had already spent a lot of money on the Eddies and sold them for a loss. I think a lot of combos posted here are very stout, however I think they are leaving a lot on the table by not using a better head. Edelbrock has come into a market that had very little options for a aluminum aftermarket head and hit a home run. Most guys want to grab a head off the shelf and put it on their car. Now there are some better options out there and the competition is fierce, but I am bummed that there is so much info out there steering some of the guys who are new to this in the wrong direction. I guess my thoughts are to the OP to consult a pro who is knowledgeable in small block mopars and trust them to steer you not some people on a forum who you dont know and the advice is all over the place. I do find it funny that some folks get REAL personal at the drop of a hat when you insult their favorite cylinder head. :happy10: