69 gts restoration

Well after much buying and spending and more spending and more buying. I have offically put the project on hold untill probably next spring. I will still be working on it just not spending any money. The problem is I was not the person that took the car apart and so I don't have all the bolts and other hardware to put the darn thing together. Every turn and I know others have felt this pain and you need another screw or clip or whatever it might be.

So rather than rush the car and have it turn out like garbage and something that I wouldn't be happy to drive I decided to slow down on the build and just worry about getting on the road for next spring.

The good news is now I will be able to save up for a posi rather than the open diff 8 3/4 it has now.. :cheers:

I have also found more spots that need to be repainted in the engine compartment from notoriously bad prep before paint. I will take care of all that before the ugly white stuff and then concetrate on stuff to do in the basement (ie. rebuild tranny, reardiff, maybe the radio who knows if something comes apart I will rebuild and restore it..)

I will keep everyone posted and probably do some more step by steps for the rear diff and tranny..