(off topic) MY DAUGHTER EMMA

i need everyones help...my youngest daughter EMMA has a lung disease and shes NOT getting better...she was diagnosis(SC)at 2 months and now shes 19 months.
her doctor said she would out grow it but shes not and now they want to do ANOTHER lung biopsy and we dont know what to do.
do we take her to ANOTHER hospital/university for a 2nd opinion??
give her doctors a 2nd chance??
do you know of any hospitals/universities/doctors/parents that we can call for advise or just talk??

we as parents feel HELPLESS and we feel like bad parents cuz we cant help her....shes on 4 different types of meds!!!...2-2.5 liters of oxygen(24-7)and shes NOT growing OR getting better!!!

do you or someone that you know have a LUNG DISEASE and can give us some advise??

please help us and little EMMA
michael and lisa wilcox