Any input on this carb?

Damn dead on balls acurte and frickin bulleyes!

He needs that Dom like a hole in the head.

turbodart68, your post shows a disreguard for his possible build and level of performance. Running such a carb on the street is not an ideal set up even for how he described his car/engine set up. Stroker Scamps "In General rule of thumb" is an excellent guide line. He may be able to use a double pumper, but with out a detailed description of the engine, I'd shy away from such a recomendation and error on the side of caution.

A 750 VS would do very well on this set up given it's general description.

First off, did you read that article? It doesn't support your point. Secondly, have either of you guys run a Dominator on the street? Two? I have and I am here to tell you that they are the most adjustable carbs on the planet. They can be made to work very well. I might even bet that you could put one (a 750) on a stock 360 and have it behave properly, cant say that for other carbs. I have every reason to believe that the OPs engine combo is on the racy-er side of things and there is a reason that he is asking about the Dominator explicitly. I just read the article, thank you by the way it is a good article and there is a lot of info there that is very useful. In the article it states a couple of things. The 750 Dominator has a smaller bore size than the 1050.

They also state this " The bottom line is that large carburetors can be made to work on the street. The choice is to either invest in a custom-built carb modified by a professional carb builder like SMI or spend the time, patience, and money in search of the knowledge and tricks to modify your own carburetor to perform up to current expectations. None of this will come easy and there's much more to the Dominators than we could cover here. If you do your homework, you can make a Dominator work on the street. "

A 750 VS belongs on STOCK cars and is a very milk toast carb, I dont like them and apparently it shows. I think we have presented a bunch of good info for the OP to digest. Thanks guys for the info and the good debate.