Need help with Insane 340 setup.

Thanks guys. Yeah I wasnt expecting 62cc chambers, gonna have to rethink things, and maybe come up with a different plan. I'd really like to use these heads, seeing as they have had so much work done them, I'm sure they would have decent flow. I do have a set of 71 J heads with stock 1.60 exhaust, and Miloden stainless 2.02 intake valves, that I cc'ed at 68-69cc's but water got into 2 exhaust ports and really messed up the seats so they would have to be redone, there basically stock J's with a little bowl blending.

Anyone have an idea what kind of $ I could get for these heads with the longer 2.05 valves and the W2 style rocker setup? Might consider selling to redo the other J's if I had too, I dont know. I'll have to sit down and come up with a new plan as far as the pistons and heads. Could always just go with new pistons that would work with the good 62cc heads. HMMMMMM, its always something.