I will kick their butt

I caught a guy breaking in my garage once, blocked him in with my truck, started to stomp him, but remembered what happened the last time I kicked the **** out of a thief, I ended up with an assault charge, so I called the cops and told them I had a guy blocked in that was breaking in, he starts to get out of his truck, I ask the cops, if he gets out can I stomp him, they inform me that I do have the right to defend myself, so I tell him to bring his sorry *** on, he starts telling me how sorry he is, like a dumb *** I make him put my things back, cops show up, take him in, we go to court, and since I made him put my stuff back, all they can charge him with is unauthorized use of my property, and bar him from here for life, ohio sucks when it comes to defending your stuff.