I will kick their butt

Geez, that sucks man, I would be raising some hell with someone if i saw it around too.

Speakingof this, i have a simular occurance that just happened, although it has turned out to work in my favor.

I have a huge bonus room i rent out, works out good for both me and the renter.

Well, previous renter was working out fine, untill recently, she lost her job and just kinda started freaking out. Well, we kicked her out.

Well, i go in the room, and my Direct TV recieved is gone, still havent looked around to see if she hid it, or if she really took it. So Directt TV receiver is probably kinda expensive, but i have something of hers that is worth way more than a few hundred dollars.

A few months ago, her computer starts acting up, and she orders a new one. I have a huge external drive, that i back up all her stuff on. I put it back on her new computer.

Yeah, you guys see where this is going. All her personal info is still there, SSN, CC numbers Tax returns etc. never deleted it, just kinda really forgot about it till the other day.

SO, should i take the high road and just ask for it back. Or ask for it back or else? I think Direct tv can trace those things if they are hooked up again. And i had it disabled by DirecTV so its useless to anyone anyway.