What do you think of this plug?
since this seems to be a matter of opinion...here is my 2 centavos
Best plug = the one that is ON sale and changed often
Oil filter I like WIX and I change it often as well
I spouted off in another thread about the name calling.....if you don't like what I like, that does not make you an idiot nor does it make you ignorant, it simply means you have a different view albeit one that I consider incorrect, but not idiotic or ignorant.
if you want you car to run a certain way....find the product that works for YOU...classics cost thousands to build & restore.....whats a few bucks for plugs? if it runs like ****, try a different brand.....
I personally think if you are spending upward of $10 per you might have more money than common sense, but again that is just my opinion.