Deleted Thread

It has been brought to my attention by another member that the random drunk posting thread has been axed.

Was someone offended?
WOW Imagine that.....start a drunk posting thread and actually have some kind of expectation that none of it's content will ever offend anyone...stupid.

I would like to know if this was simply a mod call over last nights postings or a certain member/s complaining because someone 'drunk posted', 'though non obscene/pornographic' something they didn't 'like' -basically saying.. if they don't like it then no one can post anymore...

There was some funny stuff on there last night and none of it that I saw was beyond tongue and cheek humor.

Too bad, it was a good thread and place where all of us could equally gas on stuff, a release if you open window into the drunken humor/thoughts of us all...and the door slams shut.