Deleted Thread

I saw it on here this morning. I didn't check it out because it is not really my thing, but I think I remember it having several pages of posts. Like I said, I didn't read it, but I would doubt all those posts were from 1 or 2 members. Since I didn't read it, I don't know if it was too ofensive for the kids who may be looking over a member's shoulder. I guess the reason I'm responding at all is to point out that if you are offended by that type of post, don't open it - don't be the old lady who calls the cops at 9:01 pm to complain about the music.

Hopefully one of the mods will explain why it was axed, maybe there is a good reason, we have some good mods on here and with 16,000 members, there are going to be some hard partiers and some old ladies and a whole lot of people in between.