Howd you start likeing mopar?
My mom's exboy friend Lyle was a big Mopar guy. He had a 72 S/6 Demon with a 3 on the tree I realy liked and a Ramcharger truck with the roof that would come off. Then him and my mom got the Dart. We were always talking and working on Mopars. Lyle turned out to be a very good friend. When he and mom split up I still hung out with him. The Dart was in my mom's name and he did not want her to have it and I don't think she reakl wanted it any way. It was down with a blown head gasket at the time so he made her a deal. If I helped him fix it I could have the Dart. I was 17 and all in. We almost had it back together when he was killed in a motercycle accedent while going to work one day. That was a big blow to me and I never realy got over it. The sad thing is he road his bike that day because his and my friend Mike 66 Charger he was using would not start that morning. Mike sold it shortly after that. Said he could not stand to look at it. Not the cars fault I know but you just cant help but think that if it would have started he would have been ok. I still have the Dart and will never sell it. Thanks to Lyle I am and will always be a Mopar guy.