Trying to make a decision

Short intro then my problem i'm 51 years old i'm a licenced aircraft and power plant mechanic. I worked for a company in my area for 6 1/2 years on commercial aircraft, during that time i was laid off several times never more than a month the place closed in 1994. I have not touched an airplane since, i saw an ad here and sent a resume and receved a call from a guy i knew when i worked at the other place he said he could put my resume on the desk of the person doing the hireing. Here is my problem i'm 51 not as young as i used to be/i haven't touched a plane in 16 years/i'm afraid to leave my current job where i've been for 14 years and could probly stay there forever [except they cut our pay/hours and i'm tired of being broke] thats part of my motivation to look for another job. The guy told me they were looking to hire 400 guys by january which tells me they will be picking from that group and letting the others go in several months [ possibly] i would hate to leave my job just to become unemployed at a later date but i'm also convinced that we are never getting our money back. I would be making double or more a week than i'm making now but thats not the thing that is bothering me, oh one last thing the company that has my resume is the same one i worked for in 1994 under new ownership and management in a different airport. My sons said go and talk to them then make your decision which i'm doing next week any input would help especially from guys my age or older what would you do you know all about the aches and pains we have.And the wife is'nt too keen on the idea either but she is tired of being broke also.