Great, I'm f*cked...Threw a rod...(bearing)

WOW that is amazing, you really did a super job!!!! I would have bet $$$ you would not have gotten #1 to look that good, I think JMO you will definatly good to go, should run a long time, just wondering do they make different qualities of bearing for your engine like they do for american engines??

Thank you, it took me a while to make it look like it does!

Holy crap that looks good.. I am impressed and can only imagine how that must have sucked being under the car doing that.

Oh yea, it sucked hard core, WD40 dripping on my face, seeping downs my hands and arms....

Way to go James!!!!!

those look like they cleaned up GREAT.

Im thinking once you toss new bearings in there that you will be good to go and it should last you awhile.

glad you don't have to drop a ton of change on a new power plant.

fingers crossed that it all goes smoothly for ya buddy.

Thank you Jarrod!!! I am glad I won't be buying a new motor as well!!!

Good work James!Heck,even if you only get 1000 miles out of it,you,ve learned and done the job yourself!Kudos to you!:cheers::-D

Thank you Scott!!! I'm glad I am able to do this, a couple years ago I would have never attempted it! These cars and engines are so intimidating!!!

Hell yeah Brother!!!!!
Put that **** back together and fire it!
Excellent job.

Make sure you check the oil pickup and if you can try priming it!
It should be fine.

Thank you buddy!! I cleaned out the oil pan and pickup, there was lots of schrapnel in it! LOL

200 grit is way too course.Finish it with 400 then 600. Sneak the emory cloth thru and then wrap a flat shoelace around the journal so the emory is tight to it. Now you can spin the emory back and forth using the shoelace by alternatingly pulling on one end then the other. I use this for rocker shafts,cranks and it saves a lot of time.

Hey buddy, 120 and 200 was the finest I had, What I did was, I first dulled both of them so they would be a little bit finer, And just uses one piece for all of the polishing, it got finer with each use...But I'm having a hard time finding 400 or 600 grit emory cloth...

I did that shoe lace trick with a piece of leather, like you described... I was only able to get the leather around the rod journals...

Don't forget to oil the bearings and caps BEFORE putting it back together. Let us know the results. We're all waiting.

I will lube it all up, I have that STP engine additive that is super think like syrup...I'll bruch that on the bearings and caps..

Thank you all for the words of encouragement!!! It helps me get through this thing and calms my nerves...I'm cleaning the rest of the parts, and have to clean the bottom end and oil gallies as best I can...Any tips on how to do this?

Here's all the stuff I just bought...$90 bucks spent including new bearings...