Trying to make a decision

I'm 52 now

13 years ago I left a place I had worked at for about 8 years. Had good benefits coming up on 4 weeks vacation and for the most part liked the job and most of the people

The week i was to leave one of the other managers told me the plant I was going to was for sale. i had not heard this but wasn't too long after i got there the rumors were flying. I have about 6 more weeks before I get laid off and a year from now all production will stop and the plant will be closed.

On the other side of the coin, the place i left 13 years ago closed 2 years ago

Now that I may have to go back into the job market, I too doubt my skills i had and used for over 18 years, hope it is like riding a bike and they all come back

If you weigh the pro's and con's of your current position and the one offered, hopefully you will come to a decision you can live with.

One thing is try not to burn the bridges you have to cross, just in case you need to use it in the future