Trying to make a decision

will be 50 next week. last dec. left a good paying job. aslong as i turn the work over as it was commsion only not alot of bennys.12 years and still two weeks vac. no paid days off. to try it on my own.sort of. my friend used me so he got a head left and found another job not high pay but much better people to work,s been real hard on the wife and 5 kids but we are living and i hope next year things will move a head.i love working on car as thats all i,ve done. we do every thing and i still learn new stuff daily so if i can make it 10 more years with out a break down, knees hurt hard to get up and down that kind of stuff i will be find.with the way the banker are killing us no sign of real hope me and my family will make it. good luck on your life.hope it works out.