The Great White Brick - '69 Valiant

It's kinda like the Brick in that Mopar magazine....

Found it advertised locally for $800 CDN. Bought it. It's got a '71 Dart/Demon front end, no seats and very rusty floor/crossmember/front frame area but very good upper body. A '79 318 (running condition unknown as of right now) mounted onto the /6 K-frame with homemade mounts! Last plated in 1990.

Along with my friend Tom (he's the chief mechanic/welder) we're going to breath new life into her.

In 3 days we've cut out most of the floor, removed the headliner and animal nests, purchased a good used front frame/crossmember section and now we're considering removing the whole front end and changing the whole front frame section! Just crazy!! :-) But I love it......





