Much Needed Topless 41 Yr Old Cosmetic Surgery

Wow, last time I posted was in July...that should give me a kick in the *** to get motivated with this!! I was deliberating what to do with the k-frame, whether to powdercoat, paint or what. Seen a few pics from members on here giving me some ideas. I went the POR route.

Before I could put the POR on I setup my Hillbilly sandblast shower stall again. I live right in town so sandblasting outside is not an option, plus I wanted to re-use my glass if at all possible. I went to a hardware store and bought some of the small grey pvc conduit, light duty poly and picked up a cheap shower curtain. The conduit is to hold my shower curtain and I simply hung it from the trusses with screws and mech wire. I put the shower curtain up, but realized that I may need 2 shower curtains. I then stapled poly on the trusses, around the outside of the conduit. Once that was all up, I slid my "sandbox" underneath. The poly hung down and I held it in place inside the sandbox with bricks. The showercurtain worked as a "funnel" and I kept the bottom of it in the 5 gal pail of sand. This way it helped recycle the sand and keep it in the pail. I hung my k-frame from a truss and I proceeded to make some noise...and a mess!! LOL
I thought the POR was a bit pricey at $12 for a small tin. Go figure I bought 2 tins and I only used maybe 1/4 of a tin. The stuff is pretty amazing, no brush strokes and it come out looking like glass!!

If anyone has any other ideas or advice on my Hillbilly sandblast shower cabinet I am open to advice.