A-holes at Autozone

This example of depressing societal "progression" is but one example ...

I'm 40 years old , but have never been my age ; I've always enjoyed older , vintage things ( music , art , fashion , etc. , etc. ) , with only a few exceptions .

It's unfortunate and truly a disservice that everything's being corporate-ised ; no more independent restaurants ( coffee shops , remember those ??? ) , hobby shops , auto parts stores , etc. , etc.
just cold , honky-run corporate everything !!

I work for NAPA ; and the store I work at is a dreaded corporate store : under-staffed , high-stress , no real time to dedicate to individuals' needs ( gotta keep that Cheapy O'Pennypincher wholesale customer that's on the phone happy !! ) , retarded hours , corporate bullshit !!!

Thank God the manager's a gear head , as is the assistant manager . If not for those two , I'd have kicked rocks long ago !!!

The problem is this : NONE of these corporate asshole companies want to pay anyone what they're worth !!!
Old(er) guys steer-away from Auto Zone ( et al. ) unless they're -retired- and are just fartin' around part time ; no one in their right mind would make a career out of Auto Zone ( et al. ) unless they're willing to be reprogrammed in order to please the 20-something district manager whom doesn't know **** about cars ( nor the parts business ) , but has a management degree ( I have those : I buy 'em by the roll and hang 'em next to the toilet !!! ) and knows numbers !

As a result of this cold , corporate , honky-cracker mentality , these chain stores hire these kids that have the personality of a rice cake , the attention-span of a gnat , and the I.Q. of a fish !!
Know how to punch **** into a computer ? HIRED !!!
Some **** *** with zero interest in cars ( etc. ) wrote a programme for looking car parts up .
DON'T type specific applications and names into the search address , as the programme won't recognise WTF you're talking about !!!

Think I'll stop here .