Those interested in a registry for 67-69 Barracudas send me your info, fender tags, build sheets, build cards, vins, whatever you have.
If you have a 67 I highly suggest you get a copy of the build card from Chrysler- $45, and I can easily decode that.
I understand the need to keep personal information, well personal, so keep in mind I am not looking to gather vins for my criminal empire or anything- so send what you feel comfortable sending.
Let me know what information you are looking for, or what you hope to gain from a registry?
And anything else you can think of?
As we get going I can post stuff, like who has the first 67 built- so far, and other stuff to keep everyone interested.
Like I stated before, I have gathered a number of build sheets, fender tags, etc, just to increase my knowledge about my own car- I am not an expert but I am more than happy to share knowledge!
If I get enough responses I'll start a thread for this, and then a website.