paint job gone bad and need help

Part of the whole thing is they gave me a cr733 reducer which is for clear coat. Napa rep told me it can be "substituted for the original cr233 reducer on the spec sheet. Idon't know if it is true or not. I would think the reducers have different part numbers for a reason.
Not sure why they substituted the cr233 for cr733.They shouldve gave you the correct reducer.Im not sure how different the 2 reducers are chemically,cr733 is a mid temp reducer 55-70 degrees F.Some paintlines can use the same reducer on both clear and base,but with the crossfire system,they use much different kinds of reducers for the clear and single stage paints.Mixing incapatible paints without knowing the outcome is asking for disaster.I would take back the cr733 and get the correct reducer next time you repaint it.