Need Pit Bull advice!!!

Last night my wife came home from a play-date for our 7-yr. old with a 1 yr. old, 70 lb-ish pitt bull. The ladies who owned her really couldn't handle her and kept her on a chain in their back yard. Since we have around 90 acres for her to run and my wife has always wanted a pitt, she gladly brought her home (without discussing it with me).
The good : She is a beautiful, butterscotch pitt. HUGE neck and head, healthy, STRONG, and full of energy. She is super friendly, great with me, my wife (Veronica) and the two "big girls" (7 and 11). We haven't let the baby (19 months) get near her yet.
The bad : We also have a Sheperd mix (Max), a chow (Shadow), a beagle (skippy), 2 cats, a rabbit, and a bird. We're pretty maxed-out on pets. Max has always been the dominant one (8 years now), and rules the pack with a firm, fair paw. The Pitt (princess) goes nuts around the other dogs. She took to Skippy pretty quick, but he is verry small and about the same age. She and Max have already had a go. She is stronger than max and I am worried about him. I'm also worried about Shadow as she is much weaker and doesn't get around that well. She hasn't shown any intrest in the cats yet, but either of them or the rabbit would barely make a meal for her. I have to haul her around from the house to the kennel, and around the yard because she drags Veronica around like a rag doll.

What is the best way to introduce the animals? What do I need to look for to know that everything is OK, and feel safe with the baby around her?

I've introduced dogs before, but the stakes were never this high. I know there are a lot of PB owners on here and have seen pics of small children playing with them, but I have also seen pics of kids that have been mauled, I do not want to be in that second group. I am already getting attached to her, but if she is not safe around the other dogs or kids I will, most likely put her down. The animal shelters put down Pits after a few days, and I'd be afraid anyone who took her would fight her (vry big in Birmingham).

Hey there! The best thing to do is to take your new baby to a quiet public setting such as a walk for a few days to get a feel of how your pibble will act in a new situation. First thing many people don't know about the breed is in thier history, the breed wasn't allowed to bite any person or it was considered a bad trait and the animal was put down. Most attacks are from the owners not being responsible, abuse, or it's not even really a pit but a look alike. Make sure you get a good feel of what your baby is comfortable with before introduction but if you are calm, it will help both of you alot. I suggest doing a little homework on your breed. :) I have had pits for many years and it is honestly the best breed of dog I have ever had. My boy and girl pit (not for breeding) get along fine with my children of 3 and 5 yrs and Ive had my girl pit since my kids were born. As a responsible pit owner, never trust your dog to run free unless in your yard. Introductions for the first time should be kept short to give the dog the chance to recover form the stress of meeting new people. Although the origional american pitbull terriers were bred not to bite people they do have a disposition to chew up other animals. It will help your introduction to know your dogs history and to know a lil more about what you will be required to do as a responsabile pit owner. good luck with the best breed you may ever own! If you like I can direct you to story and history pages :read2: