70 318?

Just take your free 318 "boat anchor" and turn it into a 400 hp street engine for the price of a rebuild and some out of the box magnum heads. The dyno may be generous, but hell, that ain't bad.


And there's nothing magic about the 340's. They were great engines from the factory because they had decent flowing heads, 10:1 compression and a hotter cam. Do the same thing to a 318 (as they did above) and you'll have a great engine that probably makes 20-30 hp less, but cost as much as 1k less to build if you can get it for free. BFD.

Using the above build, you can figure the 318 makes about 400/318 = 1.26 hp per cube. A similarly built 340 will make around 1.26x340 = 428 hp (maybe, the heads might not flow enough for that in stock trim). But even if it did, you'll pay at least 500 bucks and probably more for a 340 core, and the pistons cost more.

And unless you're on the track, you may not even notice the difference, since most of it will be at 6,000 rpm.