'67 Cuda rear fold down door... Help?

Chris, now that I've dragged the old one out for pictures and refreshed my memory on why I replaced it, you should probably take 4spdragtop up on his offer instead.

Although I'm sure it would be okay for use structurally, mine's pretty beat in the cosmetic department ... and I'm sad to say splattered with the gold sparkley 70's spray paint that covered the entire fastback portion of my car when I bought it. [The BOG guys will probably remember my stories about fighting with that chit.] At least the prior owner's kids didn't attack the trunk panel with the flower power stickers that were everywhere else.

Anyway, I'm posting pictures of it here in this thread with the measurements since I'm sure Chris isn't the only one with this problem. These trunk dividers are getting hard to find in good shape so I'm probably not the only one who fabbed up her own. (Someday there will be a matching console too.) And when it all comes down to it, that's the whole point of FABO -- to share the love of Mopars and our experiences with them. :love7:

Since I'm limited to ten pictures per post and am having trouble even uploading those, anyone who wants to see the rest of the 15 I snapped is welcome to forward their email address. My PM box is at 97% and I'm not sure if I'll be able to clean it out today so ya may just have to add it here in the thread.

Overall length:

View attachment IMG_2284.jpg

Width on short ends:

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Really crappy pictures of the center point measurement (sorry, I'm short!!! :-D):

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This top edge has a bevel due to the angle of the roof slant. It was the most difficult part of the fabrication. Unless you count the sixteen coats of sanded polyurethane that cover one side of mine.

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Width of the wood:

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And these are for Chris, since I offered to sell this nasty thing to him:

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And ya'll thought I was kidding about the flower child spray paint ... :toothy10:

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And Chris ... besides, when you get that one from 4spd you could never come back and say that Leanna gave you wood. :bootysha: