hey im new ive got my eye on a duster

Ah come on, I havent got shot yet but I go on peoples property and look at their cars if they are just sitting there rusting away. Done some other things but I am really an angel. Anyways, have any idea what kind of Duster or Demon?

Things on Dusters and Demons
1. They are light and can get alot more lighter. Alot of 'glass parts for them and other lightening things.
2. Engine bay is not limitless, just a little takes some elbow grease to get a huge engine in.
3. Came in alot of variety, Mr. Norms GSS, 340's, Gold Dusters, Hang Ten Dart Sports (samething as a Demon) and others.
4. As with any other Mopar, your imagination is the limit. (also your wallet)

Where you from and such? Also, Welcome to the site and you can learn alot here.