Here I go again

Hi all. I have a 71 Swinger that I trying to fix up as a nice daily driver.I am in need of some parts. So last weekend my son and I were out driving around the back roads to find a parts car. As my son drove, we passed a house and i just happen to look in the side yard and what do I see, A 73-76 Dart. That was last weekend. Well I was off yesterday from work so I decided to have a closer look. I stopped and talked to the owner, I asked if it were for sale. He said he would have to think about it. I asked if I could look at it, he said sure. His grandson walked with me and told me that the top comes off the car. It did not look like a vert as i walked toward it, more like a hard top. But when I got to it and looked it was a removable hard top. I guess that sometime over the life of the car a prevous owner cut the top off and made it re-attachable like the early Trailblaser's.
I checked to see what I could use from the car and I can use quite a bit. Like the front brakes big bolt pattern, factory air, and other parts as well. So we went back to the house and I told grandpa I would like to buy the car if he were to get rid of it. Well to my suprise he said he would take $300.00 :tongue9: for it the way it sits.
So all I have to do now is wait for his yard to dry out from all the rain to pick it up. It is a /6 and he said it ran but needed electrial work to get it started.
So soon I will post pics of the top and hope to see how it comes off. I did notice that at the windshield there are clamps like a ver top but not sure how the back was held in place. There is lots of rust where the top meets the car itself from puddling of the water. Also lots of bondo work.
Has anyone else ever seen our A-bodies with removable tops? And the front brakes along make it worth the 300 i will dish out for it, right? Well I should be posting pics as soon as it dries up here and I can get the thing home.