1967-69 Barracuda Registry
First Name: George
Last Name: Hinkel
Address: 3441 Constance St.
Titusville, Fl. 32796
Country: USA
FABO Name: Zippie#7
[email protected]
Date You Bought Your Car: 09/26/90
Where you bought your car: Titusville, Fl.
1967 273-auto conv. Vin No. BH27D72325598
On the build sheet:
Dist. 32 Trans.: 534
SwayBar: 0 Axle: 607
Rad.: 71 Pinion: 31
Engine: 365 Wheel: 12B
Wheel Cov.: 10
Note: the broadcast sheet is not in very good condition,I found it under the rear seat between the seat springs.
I am now in the process of restoreing this car.