Anyone Dressing Up for Halloween or Decorating?


Cool 8)8) we liv way out in the sticks so we don't get any trick or treat'ers, Yall do a great job on your place

I got one tomorrow night actully Ill post some pictures :-D Im going as Scooby Doo 8) yea thats right haha and my girlfriend is Daphnie =P~
sounds like a perfect costume for all the spooks they have in there tv show :-D

Cindy is ready to go,went to a party last night,she was Cousin IT anyone remember him LOL she dress up every year has the house and out side decorated .
I remember :-D cousin It was all hair and talked funny :-D on the Monsters show 8)

Great costumes guys! Mike, that is you. :-D

No dress up, just handing out candy for us.
That's me :toothy10:
I shaved and had a great time :cheers:, That was at a privet Bikers club THE PATRIOTS and they all welcomed us and one of them walked over to our table in a full mask and ask am I the one that drive's the old gold and white Plymouth :happy10:, I never found out who he was :happy10:
I woke up yesterday morning with one heck of a hang over, they had some punch made up that tasted like apple pie =P~ and a stripper poll that some girls had fun on :-D:-D:-D:-D they kept there cloths on 8)