It's nice that the Early-As are starting the get their due and TTI and Mopar Muscle has recognized that. The article, like many have pointed out, could have been a better. It was not perfect. Like I said before, I think better articles will follow. TTI will continue to improve and expand their products. Everyone knows TTI is one of the best. It's a good thing FABO is around so the so called unknown/cleverly undisclosed details are revealed. That's what this site is all about. :thumbup: Oh and bitching too of course.
If you had gotten that Dart I'm sure you would have loved it, but then you may have been a little more sensitive or better yet had an understanding of the early A-body issues that have been a struggle for so many years. We can't change what MaMopar did 40 years ago and I can see why there are certain complainers and whiners out there. I don't support them but I am empathetic. It's just the way you came off is all. I'll cut you some slack because you considered the early A. :butthead: