Just bought a '71 Demon...I just might be in trouble

I got the rust on this one pretty much free too but had to pay for the good exterior sheet metal :)

All I can say is I just got really lucky on this one as the seller was in a bind and needed cash quick and I was in the right spot at the right time. It had only been on ebay for a few hours when I saw it and less than a day when he contacted me about buying it.

The car exterior is very nice for midwest standards but it is a project. The floors and trunk definately need work and its basically a rolling shell BUT with the condition of the outside it was definately worth the money. I figure with all the left over parts from my current project I can cobble together a decent everyday driver out of it on the cheap. Unless someone talks me out of it down the road. I have had a tuff wheel hanging on the wall for the past few years just waiting for something like this.

To top it off also, I bought originally thinking all I was buying was a rolling shell. After the deal the guy says he'll round up the parts and put them with the car so I can get it all when I take it home...seems he had bought buckets and seat covers and has alot of the other parts stored someplace else.