83-86 Slant six OIL Pump! Discontinued???

OK so are you visiting Seattle? or what, because your info shows Toronto.

If you moved, maybe you can update your User Proflie info, ;)
to keep us "Mere mortals" informed with Current information.:read2:

I am 2 miles east of Albany, NY
for the Amateur Radio Enthusiasts.... FN32 73 de K2HAT

UmÂ…what? Put the glue down, son, and get your map out. You'll find Seattle is still located in the USA. Moreover, even if I were in Toronto at the moment, Canada got the slant-6 engine over the same year range as the US did: 1960 to 1987.

Y'typed the wrong numbers. It's OK, you're human just like the rest of us. The grownup thing is to say "whoops! Thanks" and let it drop.


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