bypassing interlock system

i like having my neutral safety switch bypassed. i've been battling engine lag and stalling in motion due to a vac leak. we originally bypassed the NSS because of starting issues of another kind, but i am glad for it now cause if she stalls out in motion i can just restart in drive as i am rolling. i would REALLY dislike to have to come to a full stop in the middle of an intersection, turn off car, and turn back on again from park to get her going again....especially considering i have some random starting issue developed now, too. of course, the stall issue still needs resolving, heh!

a month or so back she had a nice little wire fire thanks to an accelerator pedal bolt breaking, i was in the middle of a busy intersection when she stalled out, went to restart with the man up under the hood diddling the carburetor, thank GOODNESS i had the brakes on cause that bolt went out and she was pedal to the metal. so really, you just use some common sense and remember to keep your foot on the brakes if starting in drive. easy.

so, my .02: bypassing NSS good. putting on thinking cap before starting vehicle also good.

just put it in nuetral and it will start?? dont have to bypass