
Hi, as you probably figured already, I'm new to the site. Some of you might reconize the username from the dodgecharger site, where i'v been for a couple of years. i just bought my first A body. Its a 1973 Plymouth duster. its got a slant 6 backed by the 904 trans. It got power brakes, ac and a few other options. It runs and drive great. I paid a grand for it from a guy at work who also threw in a second slant 6, an extra 727 trany and a 413 max wedge moter. If anyone is interested in the 413, let me know. It needs a little body work. Its sat under a car port for the past 6 years and was repaint once in the early 90s. Plans are to drop a 340/727 combo and to create a Duster 340 clone. Thanks guys

P.S. How do I put pics in my photo gararge.