360 main caps ??????

This is a really troubling thing to read---why people would not have the original caps?

I doubt that you can "really tell" if they line up without extensive measurements I would FIGURE on having the thing align bored---expensive

or find another block.

Seems to me it would be as cheap, and a LOT more accurate, to buy aftermarket caps and have the whole thing align bored.

The caps, exspecially the rear, are very expensive. If you are under 500HP I don't think you need aftermarket caps. So it would be more cost effective to just get another motor with caps.

When you are buying a used block, check the machining grains to see if the block and each caps matches up. Next feel you fingernail across the bolted cap and block split line. I know those are 100% accurrate ways to measure things, but it can keep you out of trouble. Used blocks are a risk. You just need to take measures to minimize the risk. When in doubt, walk.