8 3/4 rear in 65 Signet

dartcuda said
As others have stated you will need to shorten your drive shat, plus you will need the shock plates for a 8 3/4 and the u bolts. Another thing to keep in mind is the bolt patern for your wheels. 65 had the small 5. Now depending on what year the 8 3/4 is your bolt pattern might be the 4 1/2 on 5. I believe up to 73 are the small bolt pattern. This might also help you out.

Thanks for the chart from moparstyle-I printed it out to keep for future reference. It shows that 2.26 is right on the omey for driveshaft-though I know an individaul car might be different a little.
Anyone know if less ratios are avialable for the 741 rear? Several ads sho the for 742 and 489 but not 741>
