Dr. Phil's House is for sale

I've lived in a 2 bdr cabin in big bear, the whole family.
I spent 10 yrs of my childhood in a 2400sqft house, it was plenty big for 4 people and it had a 1200sqft guest house out back, black smith shop,pool yadda yadda...and before that we lived in apt's and rentals, I don't see myself needing even that much house.
I have a spare room for my 'in house hiding' or dads spot and I have my lil cave attached to my car port.

You must have a fun time keeping up with the house/s and other buildings when it comes time to clean.

I would love a 3000sqft shop...TO WORK OUT OF...lol

I live in the same size house your mom does, I could maybe see utilizing another 500sqft but after that...i have nothing I would do with the rooms...unless I had a bunch of people come stay with me.

once you get over 6000sqft it becomes a mansion.

the one thing I would like in the future is a lot of land around my house to keep some distance between I & the neighbors.

I require less materialism in my life than some.
I guess I grew up different than you guys, thats diversity for you.

You know me a little bit by now Justin, I am not throwing anything in anyones face. I just know that if you have the means to attain it you would use it. I never ever thought I would live in a house like I have now. It was a dream of mine to have a big home and all the toys etc......I worked at it and it came true.

I came from nothing just so you know and worked my *** of for everything I have ever had, nothing was handed to me. My dad would never help me with anything, not even lunch money. I don't really care about $$ like most people think. The big house, cars and all the BS don't mean anything if your family life sucks. I put WAY more weight on that than anything.

My wife came from a VERY POOR upbringing. I mean really bad, I won't even get into it!!

My first apartment 22 years ago was about 500sq ft. My first house was 1480 sq ft. I worked my way up to this home that we have now. I was fortunate enough to make some good dough flipping houses and working Union as a Carpenter for 14years. I worked over 100 Hours a week for at least 3 years to start the process of where I am now. Then I opened up my own business and it flourished from there and I worked the same 80-100 hour week for well over the first 7 years of opening my business..

People don't realize that when you are making alot of $$ you need to spend it on something. Alot of good has come from the road I have been down. Walking into my business knowing what I put together is helping to feed Hundreds of people is a pretty good feeling, even though most of the time it is a PITA to deal with.

ohhh, and YES it is alot of work maintaining the property. I pay someone to do the outside but still there is alot to do. My wife cleans the whole house herself with my daughters. She does not want a house cleaner!