
I've been sitting behind the scene watching this thread and I've gotto make a few observations. Firstly, I'd like to elect Leanna as president (if only I could) and I was thinking the same thing about that other thread. Anyone that willingly puts his or her girlfriends nude photos on FABO (even in the blue forum) is a classless jackass and considering most of you will never meet a person crudder than myself that's saying something.
Secondly, I don't know if anyone other than myself noticed but Good Ole Wylde actually came up with 2 very well thought out replys on this thread and deserves a Kudo, it seems that his time away from FABO definetely improved not only his grammar but also his sentence structure and dare I say it his demeanor. Congrats to you Wylde:toothy10::toothy10::toothy10: