VIN tag locations

When you find the last 8 characters of your Duster's v.i.n. , you can surmise the rest of the v.i.n.

For instance :
Let's say you find "B3400200" , you can probably add a "VL29G" or "VS29H" or whatever , and end-up with , say , "VS29H3B400200" .

When you do find the other 8 characters , you'll see that the year and plant codes are swapped-around ( why ? who knows ... ) .

There's also *supposed* to be a sticker on the driver's door , in the "B" Pillar area , which has the car's month / year build date , plus the full v.i.n.
If that's missing , and the paint's original , the place where the sticker was will reveal a series of "VOID" printed where the sticker's top layer was peeled-off .

What other info can you share that'll help us ascertain what you're looking for ?