Dr. Phil's House is for sale

Hey maddart, how come a 3 board fence, not a four? Oak I hope under that paint.
Nice to see you actually use the place. One pic has a few clothes strewn around the couch. lol good for you!
Where are the house design/plans from?


3 Rail PVC Fencing is what they use around here with Vinyl coated Chain Link.
Zero mantainence on that type of fence. Yes we use the place. My wife is very busy with the kids, if she knew I took those pictures with the clothes, pots and pans on the Stove she would get pissed at me for it!

The plans were custom from an architect in town. My wife and I spent about 4 months with him before we had a finished product and 40k. He did the grading plans and the house plans all the way to permit. It was a PITA cause at the time the City here was farming out alot of their work cause they were so busy. I use to go in and get plans signed off over the counter but not at that time. Today I could probably get that done though!