Got my carbs done.

rumblefish360 said
He's right. That looks fantastic! Whats up with the pro max equipment on the carbs.
Care to do a explanation on them and what there all about?

Thanks for the compliments.

Ok, in the first pictures of the Promax stuff is to be able to have jets plates in the outboard carbs for ease of jetting. That little plate is the orginal jet plate with factory staggard jetting which are just drilled holes that came out to be 70's on the passanger side and 75's on the driverside. Now I'm squared in with 80's in the outboards. Also in the first set of pics, I'm showing the factory base plate and the Promax baseplate on the carb. The cool thing about the factory six packs is that they have a six corner idling capability, but you aren't able to get to the back carb cause of the center carb is in the way. If you look hard enough you can see the screws going in at an angle so that you can adjust them with the carbs on the motor.

I wish that I would got some pictures of the center metering plate on the carb. I also jetted up from 62's to 64's and made it where you can't blow power valves anymore. I also got there 1/2 adapters plates under the carbs also and there fuel line.
