
And it sucks.

Sorry, just not ready for it yet. At least I got the Duster to a buddy's shop to pull the motor shop before this weekend.

Still need to find (2) more sets of snow tires, no idea where that money is coming from, and I really am not going to enjoy my oldest's first year in her own car in the snow. Evereybodies gotta learn, but it makes for a stressful winter. Ah well.

On a side note, it seems like there is no place that is perfect year round. Places like Vegas or Pheonix seem to have 2 seasons, bearable and pit of hell hot. At least up here we seem to have a full 4 seasons, from the almost or below zero temps in winter, to a couple of weeks above 100 in August. At least it isn't the same day after day. :-D
Sounds like you are in for a stressful winter. My wife has yet to drive in the snow and she has no real desire to learn. I could not agree more on Phoenix only having 2 seasons. I spent 27 years in NJ and 15 or in AZ. I am glad I have suffered my last summer in AZ. My wife has made a few trips to AZ in the summer, she is not even out of the airport and wants to leave...