Freudian slip...

Bill is standing next to the water cooler at work when Tom walks up, obviously agitated.

Bill: Whaddaya say, Tom? You alright?

Tom: Oh, man, I screwed the pooch this time, Bill.

Bill: What happened?

Tom: You know the new VP of marketing up on the 30th floor?

Bill: Oh, yeah, I know the one. The hot little blonde with the huge knockers?

Tom: That's the one. We were in the quarterly earnings meeting and they had the A/C cranked waaaay up in the board room. Right after the meeting I was nervous, ya know, trying to make small talk. I meant to say "It's kinda nippy in here" but instead I said "Whoo, it's kinda nipply in here". She looked like she could rip my head off, Bill!

Bill: Oh, yeah. That's called a "Freudian slip". It's when you say what's really on your mind instead of what you intended. I do it sometimes. Hell, I did it this morning at breakfast with my wife.

Tom: Really? What'd you say?

Bill: Well, I meant to say "Honey, could you please pass the butter?"

What I said instead was:

"You ruined my life, you f***in' b****!"