Any martial artist

Awesome Machineman, my wife and I are both 2009 Florida State champs. I doubt I will compete again until I am 50 and in the next division. My chief instructor is Chief master William Clark also known as Bill Balls Clark

Very Cool!

I started training at "Master Young Ik Suh's Tae Kwon Do" in Burbank,CA. when I was 16.

So there is no misunderstanding, this was not at all like the Sport TKD that is so prevalent today.

Plenty of hand strikes above the shoulders, elbows, knees,... all the good stuff.

Traditional TKD is the Martial Art Korean military servicemen
are trained in.
No surprise there, it is taught in the schools and is a popular there, as baseball is here.

No pads, no chest protector, no head gear, the good old days!

From there I went to "Bill Ryuasaki's Ryu Dojo in North Hollywood,CA, the best Kempo school in the Valley.

These were the best days of my life.